Hove Plinth
Hove Civic Society has created the Hove Plinth as a community project, funded through crowdfunding, grants and help from local businesses – like us! We have now completed our bit which involved building the foundations and structure ready to receive the stone cladding by Tilleys the stonemasons. With the amount of steelwork and concrete in the structure, we are confident it will support the Colossus of Rhodes at some stage in the future! We look forward to seeing the sculptures change!

Balcome Community Pub – The Half Moon
The local community was keen to save the loss of the last pub in the village and gathered support to purchase it for the community. Matsim was keen to support the community and funded the shortfall in raised funds. We have also supported the pub improvements forming a new outside courtyard utilising redundant historic outbuildings and opening up the area for a more pleasant environment. Stone paving of the courtyard remains to be carried out but this together with all the work carried out by local residents has transformed the attractiveness, viability and most importantly use of the pub.
Orkeeswa School
Sarah, Andy, Simon and Daisy have recently returned from a successful and overwhelming trip to Tanzania. They spent 10 days there and visited several of the projects that our adopted charity, The House that Zac Built, has completed over the past few years. It was amazing to see how it has improved the lives of so many families. Solid and secure housing is something we take so much for granted in the UK and yet the majority of people in Monduli and the surrounding areas live in such basic conditions. There were new houses being built which they also visited throughout the duration of their trip, the images below show the incredible progress made in such a short time, despite the heat!